Animals Anonymous | PETA


Andrew Grechko (Art Director / Copywriter) 
MJ Park (UX Designer)


Young Ones One Show Merit: Integrated 
Young Ones One Show Merit: Video/Film 


Art Direction • Copywriting • Ideation • Design Direction • Case Study Design • OOH Execution • Video Editing

People don’t see animals as equals to humans and lack empathy toward them.


PETA wants everyone to believe that humans and animals are equal, even those who lack empathy or think they can’t make much of a difference themselves.


Give abused animals an anonymous voice to share their experiences, demanding attention from those who empathize with their experience, not their species.

We’re giving animals a voice through Animals Anonymous, a platform for abused animals to speak up and share their experiences.

Anonymous confessions flood out-of-home spaces on full display. No visuals, no branding, no identity. Just their experience.

Those eager to learn more about their stories will be taken to a webpage through the QR code to see which brands directly contribute to the abuse of each story’s victim, along with a list of alternative brands to support and buy from. 

Their experiences will also live through TV spots, narrated by those who are wearing the exact products that led to the animals’ torment.


Parkside Book Clubs